Your Hope Line

World Counseling Center

One-click video hotline, connecting hearts worldwide. When you need support, we're just a click away, bringing hope through screens. Our trained counselors are here to listen, anytime, anywhere.

Offering one-to-one counseling, where your story takes center stage. Our compassionate counselors provide a listening ear and a guiding hand, walking beside you on your path to hope and healing.

United Nations recognized platform

Certified counselor & psychologist

One click counseling hotline

Internationally accepted certifications

Talk to a counselor

Preeti Chauhan
Certified Counselor
Sameer Shaikh
Certified Counselor
Jyotsna Fernandes
Certified Counselor
Dr. Hafsa Jameel
Certified Counselor
Dr. Parth Vyas
Certified Counselor
Ulka Surajprasad Shukla
Certified Counselor
Dr. Vivek S
Certified Counselor
Raymun Roy
Certified Counselor
Shreepoorna L K
Certified Counselor

What we offer at
Your Hope Line

One Click Video Hotline

One-click video hotline, connecting hearts worldwide. When you need support, we're just a click away, bringing hope through screens. Our trained counselors are here to listen, anytime, anywhere

1 to 1 Group Counseling

Offering one-to-one counseling, where your story takes center stage. Our compassionate counselors provide a listening ear and a guiding hand, walking beside you on your path to hope and healing

Mental health education

Pioneers in mental health education with worldwide acclaim. Our commitment to raising awareness and promoting mental well-being has earned us global recognition. Join us on this journey of understanding, where knowledge becomes the beacon of hope

CSR programs for corporates

Your Hope Line, not only a beacon for those in need but a pillar of social responsibility, as we extend our hand in community initiatives. Within our own family, we prioritize employee mental health, fostering a workplace where well-being thrives, ensuring that our team members find hope within these walls

Listening Room


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